M*CH*MORE One Name Study


Tree 356. Ugborough unlinked families

Underlining (if any) indicates changes made at the latest update.


Tree 356

Family 0643

head  ? [male] MICHELMORE

b 150x

m 152x

sp      ? ??

b 150x

m 152x

dau    Alicia MITCHELMORE

b 153x

m 9Feb1560 Ugborough, Johes VEALE


Tree 356

Family 0259

head  Richi MICHELMORE

b 153x

m [25Jan1556] Ugborough, BLACKALL

1569 billman ^ Ugborough (Richard MICHELMOR) Early UK population returns

bur 27Apr1571 Ugborough (Richus)

sp      Blanche BLACKALL

b 153x

m [25Jan1556] Ugborough

dau    Wilmotta MICHMORE

chr [18Feb1557] Ugborough

dau    Joha MICHMORE

chr [28Dec1559] Ugborough

m [11Oct1576] Ugborough, Rogerus LAVERS (Joanna MICHELMOORE)

son    Rogerus MICHMORE

chr [13Feb1561] Ugborough

?bur 30Sep1633 Kingston (Roger MICHELMORE)

dau    Avia MICHMORE

chr [14May1565] Ugborough

m [30Jun1595] Ugborough, Hugo STONYER

dau    Joha MICHMORE

chr [9Mar1568] Ugborough

son    Johes MICHMORE

chr [12Jun1568] Ugborough


Tree 356

Family 0651


b 153x

m [4Nov1560] Ugborough

bur 14Jun1568 Ugborough

sp      Joanna ??

b 153x

m [4Nov1560] Ugborough


Tree 356

Family 1275

head  Allice MURCHMORE

b 165x

m 24Apr1677 Ugborough, LUSCOMMBE

sp      Nicholas LUSCOMMBE

b 165x

m 24Apr1677 Ugborough


Tree 356

Family 2297

head  William MICHELMORE

b 169x

m 171x

?1723 ^ Ugborough: swore allegiance to King George I (MICKELMORE) Early UK population returns

?1730-1736 Ugborough: received parish relief UK legal documents

?1739 ^ Ugborough: took James CAWKER as an apprentice UK legal documents

?bur 19Jul1748 Ugborough (MITCHELMORE)

sp      Katherine ??

b 169x

m 171x

bur 2Apr1726 Ugborough (MUCHAMORE)





These records may refer to William.

Tree 356

Family 0634

head  William MUCHIMORE

b 170x

?1723 ^ Ugborough: swore allegiance to King George I  (MICKELMORE) Early UK population returns

m [25Mar1725] Ugborough, SILLEY (MUCHAMORE)

?1730-1736 Ugborough: received parish relief UK legal documents

?1739 ^ Ugborough: took James CAWKER as an apprentice (MICHELMORE) UK legal documents

?bur 19Jul1748 Ugborough (MITCHELMORE)

sp      Joane SILLEY

b 170x

m [25Mar1725] Ugborough

bur 15Dec1751 Ugborough (Joan MITCHELMORE)





These records may refer to William.

Tree 356

Family 0749

head  William MITCHELMORE

b 172x

m1 [14Jun1752] Ugborough, BAKER

m2 31Jan1763 Ugborough, CHUBB

bur 4Sep1787 Ugborough, “pauper”

sp1    Judith BAKER

b 172x

m [14Jun1752] Ugborough

bur 21Mar1761 Ugborough (MUTCHIMORE)

sp2    Betty CHUBB

b 171x

m 31Jan1763 Ugborough

bur 11Aug1789 Ugborough, “widow, pauper” (MUCHAMORE)









Judith and Betty may have been further wives of William.